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Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
This article is about the original release. For information on the 3D remake, see Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (3D remake). |
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (Japanese: ファイナルファンタジーIV ジ・アフターイヤーズ -月の帰還-, lit. "Final Fantasy IV: The After Years: Return of the Moon") is a role-playing game developed by Matrix Software and Square Enix first released for Japanese mobile phones in 2008, under the Japanese title ファイナルファンタジーIV THE AFTER -月の帰還- (lit. "Final Fantasy IV: The After: Return of the Moon). It was later released for Nintendo's WiiWare service on the Wii in 2009. An enhanced port would be included in Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection on the PlayStation Portable.
It is a direct sequel to Final Fantasy IV. The game is episodic in nature, with its mobile and WiiWare releases having most episodes be purchased individually.
A remake would later be released for Android and iOS in 2013, and for Windows in 2015. This remake contains 3D graphics like those of the Final Fantasy IV remake, but it has some removed content.
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