The wiki is lacking in content. You can help by creating a new article. See the to do list for more ways you can help.
New user registration has been restored. Thank you for your patience.
Welcome Indie Wiki Jammers! Check out here for info on the jam
Final Fantasy Wiki:Indie Wiki Jam
From Final Fantasy Wiki
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Indie Wiki Jam is a 2-week long editing event to encourage people to edit wikis they haven’t edited before.
How to join[edit]
When saving an edit, tag it with #IWJ.
Easy tasks[edit]
- Help build the Galleries with existing images
- Expand stubs,
Stubs |
Moderate tasks[edit]
- Create pages, using similar pages as a template:
- Link Deadend pages to other exiting pages
- Link Orphaned pages from other exiting pages
- Work on Oldest pages and Short Pages to help keep them update to date, free of spelling and grammar issues, etc.