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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second title in the Final Fantasy VII remake project, slated to launch in early 2024 for PlayStation 5.
VII Rebirth iterates on the gameplay of Final Fantasy VII Remake. As in the original Final Fantasy VII, players can fully explore the world map on foot and use fast-travel options such as rideable chocobos or the buggy. The overworld features several points of interest collectively called World Intel, including treasure troves, stray chocobos to ride through fields, optional boss battles, and minigames.
The combat system expands on that of VII Remake, with the addition of team attacks usable by pairs of characters. Synergy Skills can be used anytime, while Synergy Abilities expend points gained by selecting commands in battle.
VII Rebirth began development after the completion of VII Remake, with production of the third game beginning around the same time. 80—90% of VII Remake's developers stayed on to make VII Rebirth; this staff retention and the team's established chemistry allowed for a faster development cycle than VII Remake.[1][2]
VII Rebirth was announced during the Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary livestream on June 16, 2022.[3] A year later, a gameplay trailer debuted during the 2023 Summer Game Fest showcase, showcasing the overworld and combat.